Thursday, August 9, 2007

Surprises are good, right?

Hi girls!

As usual, I love reading all your posts and keeping up with all the news and adorable pictures from everyone. I just had to add a quick update of my own. As some of you already know, I was recently surprised to find out that I'm pregnant again! (Yikes!)

This wasn't exactly planned (we knew we wanted another baby, but not quite so soon...) so it's taken some time to adjust to my new reality. It's like: welcome to Croatia, you've been here a whopping (almost) 6 months--I think it's time you learned about the medical system, prenatal care and do some research into labor and delivery in this country. Not what I thought I would be concentrating on at this point! =)

But God is good, and I know he surprises us for good reasons. I'm already getting more and more excited about this little one, who may be here as early as February! So this baby will only be 21 months younger than Emma. Luckily I know there's experienced moms out there like Shari who have kids close together and are still living to tell about it! =)

Plus I've already had my first appointment with a great OBGYN here in Zagreb who was really nice and spoke great English (a definite plus). Some of the nurses at the clinic I went to even spoke English, though not all. I'm sure I will quickly learn the Croatian for "Please pee in this cup" and that will come in very handy for my life here. Ha!

Love you girls! Thanks for letting me share my news.

Friday, July 27, 2007

All Moved In...well mostly!

Greetings from the Yosemite Area!!!
The kids, Tim and I have moved in and probably are mostly settled. You know how it always seems like there is just one more box to go through. But nevertheless we have been fully functioning in our new home. Ruby is loving all that the outdoors has to offer, as is Luke, however we have to keep him much more contained in the outdoors or all of it would end up in his mouth. We have also found a church that we really like and have begun to get ourselves involved. Ruby has had VBS this week and is having a great time. I have met a few mothers and will be getting together with them in the next couple of weeks. So I feel like in the short amount of time that we have been here, we've managed to make it feel more like home. Although I am still getting used to all the wild animals and insects that also share this area. We had a bear come in the middle of the night and attack our trash can in search of the raw meat I had put in there. So apparently up here you can't put raw meat in the garbage. It did however make me think of the time, Amber, when we went camping over the Torrey conference and a bear came into our camp searching for the hamburger helper I was making. And I think it was Dave's idea to click our flashlights and his Teva sandals at it to make it go away. Do you remember that? My husband still laughs at the naivety of that story. Anyhow, here is our new information should anyone want to call or come for a visit (we have plenty of room):
39436 Manzanita Dr.
Oakhurst, Ca. 93644
Don't hesitate to call!!!
Love ya all,

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hey Girls! We are back from Mexico, happy, rested and tan:-) We definately were happy with our resort and the time we had there, it was the perfect anniversary celebration. What did we do, you might ask.....absolutely n0thing! We swam in the ocean, had many drinks, and laid by the pool and had many drinks, and we ate a lot in between all that. We did go into downtown Puerto Vallarta one afternoon, and decided it was too hot and too much work, so we went back to lay by the pool:-) The crazy thing I thought was that Puerto Vallarta has a Walmart! They also have many other American stores and restaurants. Anyway, I would recommend this resort (Dreams Resort and Spa) to anyone, it was really great. The service was wonderful, the spa was wonderful, and there are 5 different types of restaurants on the resort and the beach had no public access, so it was exclusive to our resort only. Anyhow, if you are looking for a fun, relatively inexpensive vacation, all-inclusive is a great way to go!

Things are going well here, I was just in one of my good friends wedding here (and helping her plan it), and that is all over, so now I finally have some free time has been crazy since the beginning of May. I attached a picture of me and Annabelle in the wedding, I was a bridesmaid and Annabelle was a flowergirl. Hey Melissa.....i love your new webpage, it's great! I do hope to meet your girls when you are here in December.
Lastly, if I could ask you all to pray for us and our church. Without going into too much detail, our church elder leadership is not healthy, our pastor (who has been there for almost 3 yrs. now) is not a very good communicator or leader, and the church body is suffering. Our youth pastor was just let go for no apparent reason, and it has begun a division already. We really love the fellowship at our church, and I love our youth there. Also, the Lord has laid it on Chris' heart to begin a home church, and so we are figuring out how that fits into the whole scheme of things right now. Just please pray that we follow the Lord's leading in all this. What are you all doing with your summer? I would love to hear about all your vacations. Danielle, how did the move go, are you guys all settled in? Love to you all,

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Life on the Wild Side!

Hey Girls!!

Sooooo....yes, I'm finally posting onto this S.S. blog. Only what...FOUR months after it began! Phew! Life with kids is a little hectic. And having three makes it ... all the more hectic. For any of you considering are some things to consider...

1. Try to insure complete loss of sanity by somehow causing all three to cry at the same time. Most likely the older two are crying because they are fighting while the baby is crying because she's hungry. It's great if you can start crying, too. Enter husband. =)
2. If your older two are sick when baby #3 arrives, have them touch and rub and kiss the baby mercilessly. Then, you can go back to the hospital when baby #3 is only 2 weeks old for some more rest! (ha! Yes, Kaitlyn got RSV at 2 weeks, sending us back to the hospital for another week!)
3. Just when baby #3 is only waking up one time a night, move child #2 from a crib to a bed and start to night train child #1. You see, this way you can still wake up 3-4 times a night, in case all that extra sleep from the previous week was getting to you.
4. Protect baby from the terrors of...her older siblings. If baby is choking, make sure it's not food or bottle or spit-up or....older sister's finger half way down her throat!
5. Of course, savor every moment ... when child #1 lovingly comforts the baby. Or when child #2 cuddles sweetly in your arms and asks you to hold her on the couch or lay by her at night time. Or child #1 and child #2 laugh hysterically at each other's antics. Or child #2 sings so sweetly you're sure she'll be an American Idol. Or baby coos and smiles so softly you think your heart is going to melt right out of you.

So, yes, three is pure joy...and pure terror...and pure chaos! But, we're definitely enjoying Daddy being home for the summer, and the warm weather of a Colorado summer! We'll keep you "posted!" (ha, ha!)


Saturday, May 5, 2007

Do you love Yosemite?

Well yet again we have had an incredible turn of events in our family. Everybody knows who the Heimlichs are, right? If you don't- they are my adopted family. I always say that I have two families. My biological family and then there are the Heimlichs, my adopted family. I lived with them after Ruby was born, they took care of Ruby for those years that I worked at Chili's. They have been an integral part of my life and of my family's life. Anyway, Tim and I invited them over for dinner last week to tell them the news and ask for their counsel about what would be the best decision for our family. They, last month, bought a retirement home in Bass Lake which is 10 miles or so from the entrance of Yosemite, and they offered it to us to live in until we can get ourselves financially stable. The only thing was if Tim can get a transfer to the Chili's in Fresno, about an hour away. We found out that he can!!! We are moving, AHH! We are moving to Bass Lake into a 6 bedroom cabin in the woods. Can you believe it? Amazing! This will be so good for our family. Ruby will start school in a small town where hiking and horseback riding are the norm. I'm just so thrilled and amazed. Last week we were biting our nails praying that doors would open and here we are week later moving in June to the mountains near Yosemite where I have spent so many of my summers. SO... if any of you are planning to visit the Yosemite area you need to visit us starting in July. And Cayce I know for a fact that you go to Yosemite. I saw the JH blog, too cute! Seriously, you have a beautiful son. I see that he has his mom's sparkling eyes no doubt. And I saw those thighs, obviously he's a good eater.
Amber, thanks for the affirmation that our job is stressful. It's nice to hear every once in a while. How's the sleeping through night thing with the little one? Is she making it through the night? Luke is doing fine right now, although we are transitioning Ruby back into the room so we'll see how that goes. We are celebrating his first birthday tomorrow. I can't believe that a whole year has gone by. There were times it didn't feel fast enough, esp. those many night feedings, but all in all it's been quick. And now he's walking about 80% of the time. He's a boy on the move.
Keep you posted on the move!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Welcome Cayce

Wow, it's so fun to continue to hear from people! Sounds like you have a great family Cayce. How exciting that you and Jeremy have your own studio! Sounds like a great thing. How do you like motherhood? Is it what you expected? I actually just heard a stat from a MOPS speaker the other day......apparently mothers of preschoolers have the 2nd most stressful job in the country, doctors and lawyers are of course first! (Okay, maybe the mafia is up there too) But isn't that encouraging? It's not just me, my job is hard! Anyway, I'm glad to hear things are going well for you Cayce. More babies!!! Congrats Dephanie on little Estelle , how is that going? Hey do you still need some help figuring this blog thing out? All you need to do is go to the web address: and click on sign-in in the upper right hand corner, then it will have you pick a username and password. Then once you are set up, you will sign in with your username and password and then click on "New Post" and then it gives you a box to type is pretty self explanatory from there. It really isn't too hard. But I know we would all love to hear from you....I know that right now you don't have much free we can wait patiently!! Also, congrats on your new bun in the oven Danielle:-) I must say, I have begun wanting to be pregnant again! Chris and I are finished, but I really enjoyed being pregnant.....hopefully this will pass! Thanks for the updates Amy! It is so fun to hear how life has been in Croatia! Things are well here in Vancouver, WA....just waiting for allergy season and sick kids to be OVER!!! Love you guys!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Back in Touch

that is so great danielle!! (this is cayce by the way)congratulations!! wow, i am seriously going through time as i read these posts. renee, your post cracked me up. well, a lot of people's did actually. skippy's story about her girls flipping out really got me. and danielle, your's made me totally laugh b/c i could hear you saying everything you wrote in a couple of your posts. anyway, it is refreshing to hear the stories from everyone. thanks for letting me be a part. amy, so exciting you are in croatia. someone sent me one of those "getting to know your friends" questionaires (which i actually love playing-i think it's the only forward email i do), and one of the questions was,"if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" and i said croatia. you know i still have alot of relatives over there, so if you see any scurich peoples, tell em hi for me! congrats to jana-sounds like you found a good one! and amber your kids are beautiful! actually everyone's are! so fun to see where we all go-i hope wa. is treating traci and rachel well. congrats to dephanie. i absolutely love the name estelle. i hope "the boy" is still working out for you susie. well, life here in santa cruz is great. i returned to work in feb. and it has worked out so nicely going back. i teach afterschool art classes in a studio jer and i started here and so i can take jack henry with me when i go. the kids love having him there and needless to say, he loves them and the attention they give him. so far it is working out great. jer is teaching english to high schoolers and loves it. he is also working construction on the side. he is quite good i must say. he remodeled our whole house. we bought a big time junker and have loved fixing it up ever since. i actually am embarrased to admit it, but we have a blog going on our kid. we did it to keep in touch with all of the people that live in south carolina and for people far from us now; if you want to check it out there are way too many pics, but be my guest. it is : please dont think i am trying to get more pics in, it's just an easy way to keep in touch. jer's dad goes crazy over it, it means everything to him to get updated. anyway, just thought i would write to say hi. i just got back in touch with shari k. too and it is so great. love to all, kc

Friday, April 27, 2007

+1 makes three!!!

Tim and I are finally announcing that we are pregnant...again! I have an appointment in May to see exactly how far along I am, although I would guess 9 -10 weeks. While this wasn't exactly planned on, we are becoming more excited about it. I'll tell you though, it doesn't matter how careful we are if we forget even one time apparently thats all it takes with me. So our talk of moving Arizona has now gone from casual to more determined. We are consulting some couples from church whose advice we trust and are really seriously thinking about the move. My whole hang up is that I don't want to move from my support system here and have a baby without them. But at the same time it's really expensive to live here and moving to Arizona would make it so that I really don't have to go back to work. Lots of questions that Tim and I have, but ultimately we need to decide which is best for our family. Keep us in your prayers or at least thoughts and if you all have some advice I would be opened to hear it. Thanks!
p.s. Congrats to Dephanie!!!! How exciting!

Congratulations Dephanie!

You probably all heard that Dephanie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on April 20th. Her name is Estelle Leonie Lilite. Just wanted to say congrats! That makes two gorgeous girls for Deph & Louima. Hope you are doing well and surviving the blur of those first few weeks.

Dephanie, just the other day I finally saw your comment on the blog about needing instructions on how to post to the blog. I will try to e-mail you about how to do that (or any other girls can too). I never would have figured it out except Greg helped me. Not that you have time to blog right now! But you can have Louima post a picture of the new baby sometime. =)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I am crashing the blog party!!

hope you all don't mind!!! just figured out how to get on this thing. it's cayce (was scurich, now ellison) by the way!! i ran into susie the other day at the grocery store, because that is what people do when they live in the same town (it only took us like 12 years to do it!)and she was telling me about you all. i am so happy you guys have kept in touch through these years. i only wish i had been better at doing it. i would love to stay connected and this seems to be the way. i have loved reading through the entries and learning where we have all gone. i am still in santa cruz. will be here forever if i have anything to say about it. we will see. it isn' the cheapest place, that's foresure!! jer and i have been married 6 years in july. crazy how fast the time goes. we have a little muncher-jack henry ellison. he is almost 6 months and i am currently listening to him talking to himself in his crib. he just woke from his nap. i love hearing about what everyone is up to, so if it is okay i will be checking and writing when i can. hope to all that your lives are rich and full-great being in touch again! love, cayce

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Just feeling like saying hi to all. Thought I'd tell you all the story of the boy. Basically, I hit a wall with bad dating experiences and signed off of e-harmony in a huff. Then, I figured -- well, I've got about 20 more days already paid for -- so I might as well keep the account open. In the meantime, I got back in touch with John from Canada and found out he was still in love with me -- but also still convinced he was never going to get married. Blah. Of course I've gotta fall for the boys with the committment issues at 30! Anyways, meanwhile, I started getting daily messages from Sumanth on e-harmony. I was completely incredulous about finding someone at that point, but -- as there were no blazing red flags -- I kept emailing back.

Well, then he asked for my number, called the next day, and we talked. and talked and talked. It was crazy. I think our first conversation was 3 or 4 hours. He asked GOOD QUESTIONS! He totally impressed me -- with his ethics, compassion, intelligence, ability to listen and make me laugh. He flew out from Philadelphia a couple of weeks later (by that time I'm pretty sure we had logged between 30 or 40 phone hours). It took me the first day or so to register that he was real and connect the person in front of me with the person I'd been spilling my guts to (and totally charmed by).

After that, it was just good. We did all sorts of funny stuff, like take him to the GAP and totally redress him so that he was appropriately attired for Santa Cruz (he was starting to feel uncomfortable wearing a polo and nice shoes when everyone else was in flip-flops). He insisted on taking my mom out to breakfast then bringing her leftovers of the dinner he made for me (VERY effective schmoozing)! He even volunteered to go to one of my doctor's appointments. That was cool. He's been amazing about trying to support me in the whole process. He gets super adamant that I don't give up pushing the doctors to figure out what's wrong with me. And he quizes me every day to make sure I'm taking all my meds and doing all the stuff I'm supposed to. It's pretty cool. I've been tapering down the antidepressant Lexapro I've been taking (it may have been making the weight gain worse -- and I seemed to have gained a tolerance to help with my energy level and mood), so he's been pouring on the extra moral support. It's really nice to not feel alone with all the medical stuff.

As for that, I have a referral to the director of endocrinology at UCSF. I'm calling tomorrow to set up the appointment. My recent med changes do seem to be increasing my energy. But my immune system is still shot (I think I'm on my 8th sickness since November). I'm also still getting all of the other lovely sympoms (hot flashes, a lovely beard, a belly that you could easily mistake for carrying one of those cute babies most of you have, etc! (by the way, CONGRATS to Deph and Louima! How beautiful are their children!!!!!) I'm really hoping that they'll agree to do a CT scan and MRI to see if there is a detectable tumor on my pituitary gland -- rather than just keep making me wait and repeat tests every couple months. Feel free to pray for all that if you wish.

So, those are the recent adventures. Love to you all. (and sleep too -- I hope the babies stop crying soon!)


Monday, April 23, 2007

Yes! The Ferber Method by Danielle

Thanks Amber for the tip. We took Luke into the doctor when Ruby had her kindergarten physical a couple of weeks ago. We told him that he was looking at two broken parents that we had waged the battle and Luke won. He explained to us that Luke was also using the bottle as his method of returning to sleep and that we were doing him a real disservice by not allowing him to teach himself how to go back to sleep. Which he said was only something you can self learn. So we moved Ruby's trundle bed into our room where it will remain for a few weeks until he learns. And for us we have kept a door shut and occasionally I use earplugs. And it seems to be working, I think. We'll see how it goes when we move Ruby back in, I've learned in the last couple of weeks that she's a sleep talker. We'll see how Luke does with that. And let me add that your girls are adorable. I can really see you and Chris in them both.
Congrats Susie on the relationship. Are you having so much fun? How's your health?
Keep us posted!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

We need sleep!

Hey there sisters! I just read the latest posts, and wanted to respond to your question Danielle about little Luke's sleeping habits! I too am going through the same thing! Ella is still waking up 2-3 times a night wanting a is the only thing that gets her back to sleep. I know that as long as we keep giving her a bottle, she will keep waking up and expecting one, but when it comes down to it, you just want to desperately need the sleep (I am sure you can relate right now too Shari:-)). Anyway, we just had Ella's 9 mo. well baby check-up (a couple months late!), and the doctor gave us some advice for a sleeping method he recommends. So we tried the "Ferber method", which is basically letting your baby cry, and going in at intervals to reassure them you are not abandoning them, but not giving them anything, and not picking them up. Anyway, we tried this last night for the first time. She cried for about 45 minutes, and then she didn't wake up again until 5:30! So we are thinking that maybe there is hope! So you can google the "Ferber method" online Danielle, and see if it is something you want to try. But I surely feel your sleepless night pain!! And secondly, yes we love finally owning a home. So you are thinking about Arizona huh? Our youth pastor, and family just took a job at a church there. They are in the Phoenix area. Red Mountain Community Church is the church. And as far as a church in the Vancouver area....we actually still attend our church in Portland. It is only like a 15-20 minute drive from where we are. It is called Hinson Church. We have been attending since we moved here about 8 years ago, and are pretty plugged into ministry there. But there are also many churches in the Vancouver seems like there are like 5 or 6 that I drive by on a regular basis. But I don't know that I could recommend one. If your friends are willing to try Hinson...we definately could recommend it! Anyway, hang in there with your baby, and let me know how it all goes.

Things are going well here. Chris is currently interviewing for an advancement at US Bank, so please pray for that if you think of it. We are preparing ourselves for a very busy May and June. We did just enroll Annabelle (3 yrs. old) in a ballet/gymnastics combo class for 8 weeks. So I am excited for that! As is she:-) Well, I am posting some pictures of mu kiddos on Easter...I would love to see some other Easter pics of all your kiddos or nieces/nephews. Love to you all,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Long Time No Blog!

Hello Soul Sisters! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Mostly I've been working a lot... trying to do some spring cleaning.... since last summer though so I'm not sure it counts as spring cleaning ;) Maybe I'm aiming to finish it by the end of spring! Why is cleaning out my closet one of the most difficult chores of my life?!
I'm excited for next week. I get to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a couple of days. It's a work/fun trip.... but I've never been to NM so I'm really excited. All I can imagine are a bunch of adobe houses, cactus, Georgia O'Keefe, and tex mex food. We'll see! If I get a good shot of me and a cactus I'll be sure to post it on our blog.
Will post more when I know more... :) Miss you guys. Happy belated Easter! - T

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

This is Danielle, yet again posting under Susie! Sorry Susie!

A couple pictures of the kids from Ruby's 5th birthday in January!

The family and I just got back from a vacation in Arizona and I came home to many a posting which was extremely exciting! We went to Arizona to visit Tim's mom who lives there and his sister and two kids who are in visiting from Austrailia. They have a little girl who is a few months younger than Ruby and a boy who is a week older than Luke. And Ruby and I have never met them before. It was real exciting. I got to see pictures of Tim when he was baby, we had a great time. We really liked it there and are actually talking about the idea of moving so we too can buy a house.
Amber - I am so excited to hear that you two were able to buy a place of your own, that is so great. Do you love having your own home that you can decorate and paint any way you like? I really dream of that day. Vancouver, Washington? I have a friend that I met a Chili's who went to BIOLA that moved to Vancouver with her husband after they got married. They are having a tough time finding a church to plug into, where do you attend? And congratulations on 10 years of marriage, that's so fantastic! You deserve a wonderful trip like that, enjoy! As far as how Tim and I met, it's nothing to exciting. He grew up in Kansas City, MO and decided that he needed a change of scenery, something new and different. So a friend of his who had moved out here the year before told him to come on out and live with him. So he did! He was already working at Chili's in Kansas City and he transfered to La Habra of all places. When I first met him he had long hair and a beard and I really didn't think twice about him until one day he cut his hair and shaved his beard and I said to myself "...hmm he's got potential." And within a month we were on our first date and 3 months after that I knew. We were married on the first anniversary of our first date. We married in Laguna Beach at the gazebo on top of the cliff and had our reception dinner at the Beach House Restaurant there on the water. It was very small, 20 people total, no attendants. A friend of mine, he was actually my prom date in high school, is ordained and he married us. Ruby was our only other participant as our flower girl. It was really quite sweet!

Jana - I think doing the eharmony thing is great. I think it is the way things are going in this day in age. I have actually met about three couples who did eharmony and are married and are perfect for one another. So I applaud you! And I will send you my address.

I actually have a question for everyone. Truthfully, I need advice. Luke is not sleeping through the night. He will be a year next month and he still wakes up at least once if not twice a night. With Ruby she woke up too but we slept in the same bed for her first 3 years and she held her own bottle. None of that is the same for Luke. He shares a room with Ruby and will not hold his own bottle. So I have phsically get up feed him and put him back to sleep. He's almost one, this should not be my story, seriously. I need some advice, I don't know that to do! What would all of you recommend?

Saturday, April 7, 2007

not good at catchy titles

Danielle! My goodness is it good to hear from you! Congratulations on your marriage and children! Please post a picture, I would love to see your family! And if you email me your address, I can send you a wedding invite too!
To answer your question, I met Aaron on the Internet...yes I did the internet dating scene, which really, at this age of my life, is the only way I could figure to meet someone outside of my work or church, or the local bar(none of which were proving to be very fruitful). So, I thought I should give internet dating a whirl, and I found a wonderful man! I tried many internet sites, but the one I met Aaron on was eharmony. Go figure...and no, we aren't planning to be on the commercials!! :)
We now have a wedding website(it seems to be the popular thing to do these days), so if any of you would like to take a peak, it is:
You'll notice on the opening page, Aaron decided to be silly when writing about "our story" and you have to keep that in mind when you read it. I put a more serious note at the end of it for the older aunts and uncles of the family, and anyone who won't understand his humor. He writes things about an "angel-like blonde" walking into his life and then asking for a cookie after proposing. Sheesh...boy humor, I guess. :)

And Melissa! I'm glad you were able to finally post a comment! I'm sorry my emails didn't get to you. I must not have the right info...but I am glad you got the save the date. It's so good to hear of you talk about your girls and your experiences with them. I remember all to well those days in Alpha as you longed for your own children. I know these experiences of temper tantrums are not the most pleasant, but from what I have heard, you look back fondly and laugh at clips flying out of hair in the midst of a temper tantrum on the way to church. I hope some day I can meet your girls, that would truly be very special.

Life since my last post.....
Busy, of course, but who isn't, really? I'm enjoying wedding planning...had a "tiff" with a DJ I had signed on who turned out to be flakey, resolved that and hired a new one. That has really been the biggest "bump" in the road so far...and if that's the worst thing I experience in planning this wedding, well that's not too bad!
Work has consumed me in this new position. I am learning so much about management and leadership, and how "professional adults" can be so petty and child like. Incredible, really. It's like adult day care on some days! :) I think it will get better, I have only been charge nurse now since September, so I have decided to give myself a year before I decide one way or another that it is bad or good.

that's all for me on this post. I apologize for my poor grammer and spelling. I just need to make that blanket apology now, I know I am terrible with writing!
Until the next post...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Soul Sisters: The Next Generation

Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you know we had the 1st Annual Soul Sister European Reunion recently--it was very small (just me and Mel, and families). Next time I hope you can all join us!! Ok, well actually all that happened is that Dave & Mel and kiddos came down from Budapest to visit us in Croatia for a few days. But it was so fun to see them! Although it was freezing cold and we only had a couple hours to hit the town (between kid naptimes, of course) it was so great to reconnect, tell stories about Biola and crack ourselves up. =) Mel & I were talking about how great it is to spend time with old friends--new friends are great, but there is something about the history you have with old friends that makes it special (and I don't mean old in age--we're only in our 30's remember!). While we were hanging out I had the shocking realization that it has been over 12 years since we all first met that first semester of Biola. Can you believe that??

It is so fun to keep reading everyone's posts. And welcome, Danielle, it's so great to hear from you!! To answer your question, yes, Greg and I are on the mission field. We'll be working in the area of church planting-helping Croatians who are interested in starting new churches here. But right now we're focusing on learning the language. Our international move has gone well so far (although it's only been about a month & a half)--of course that means a rollercoaster of emotions. Some days I'm totally loving living here, sure God is going to use us in amazing ways. Other days I think "What have we done? What country do I live in now? What is going on!? And why is there no Dr. Pepper???" OK, that last one I don't say too much, but you get the picture.

Here are a few pics from last weekend. One is of Norah & Emma together, and the other is of both our families in the park in Zagreb.

Susie, you're in my prayers! Let us know if you get any more info on your health situation. Amber, that's so exciting about your upcoming anniversary trip--you deserve it. I know what you mean about "vacations" with the kids being more work than staying home. We only have one kid but it still feels like that sometimes. Jana, how are wedding plans going? Shari, how are you adjusting to being a mom to 3 kids?? Rachel, are you still in Virginia performing Beggar's Opera and are you enjoying it? Dephanie--are you reading the blog, and if so how are you?? Love you girls!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yeah! Danielle has been found!

I am so glad to hear you are alive and well Danielle! And so good to hear from you to Melissa! It has been awhile since I have checked on our blog, and I was so delighted to hear from all of you! Things are going well here. Chris and I are pretty excited, we have just booked a trip to an all-inclusive resort in Puerto Vallarta to celebrate our 10th Anniversary in June. It will be our first real vacation without children since our honeymoon! I must say, that all the "vacations" we have been on, like weekends away with the kids etc...are so much more work than just staying home:-) I am sure you moms can relate! Anyhow, to answer your questions about Chris and I Danielle......yes, we had little Ella Cassidy on June 5th, 2006, so our babies are only about a month apart eh? We just bought a brand new home in Vancouver, Washington and are really enjoying being home owners, and living in Vancouver, we were in Portland, but we're just across the Oregon border, so still really close to Portland. I am staying home with the girls right now, Annabelle is 3 yrs. old and Ella is 9 months. I do love it, and am so grateful to be a stay at home mom, but there are days where I feel like it's more than I can handle! Chris is doing well, he is working for US Bank as a Trainer/manager and is looking to advance within the company. Chris also plays Bass for our church worship band, and he really enjoys that. He actually got to go to Japan last Spring to play worship for a military youth conference in Okinawa. So, I would love to hear more about Tim, and how you met him. What was your wedding like? Maybe you could even post a picture of your family? I am so happy for you Danielle! How is your grandma doing? Is Ruby going to school?And for you are surely not alone in your adventures with Sam.....I can relate....I must say I did laugh as I read your blog, but I know how fun it can be to raise a 3 year old girl! We have had many a tantrum over things that really sometimes, just make you laugh. I have realized how detail oriented Annabelle is, (she is just like her father:-)) And I have to pay attention to details (which I don't always do) or else we have tantrums! Anyway, how is everything else going? School? Are you going to teach this coming year? I surely hope you can make it to Jana's wedding, it would be such a blast for us all to see you:-)Susie....still praying for you girl, are you feeling well yet? Keep it coming with the updates, this is so great!
posted by Curry @ 3:49 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Things I need to be caught up on...

This is Danielle, posting again under Susie, until I can be a contributor.

It has come to my attention that there are a few things (ok.. let's be honest.. many things) that I am unaware of, a natural biproduct of being missing for so long. First, there are many a baby in our clan. Please, can everyone update me on your child/children with names and ages. Second, Jana is getting married I have gathered from the whole "save the date" cards that were sent out. Jana- CONGRATS!!! that is so wonderful! I am so happy for you. Please tell me who this guy is and how you met. This is all so very exciting. Third, Susie what is this I read about you and health problems? It sounds serious if you are unable to work. I'm so sorry! And finally to everyone else that I do not have much of an update, please feel free to leave a comment to my post giving me the 411 on how you are doing. I am quite eager to learn about it all. For example, Traci you have a pet named Cosmo? Is this correct? I want to learn about this pet? And Rachel is auditioning for an opera? This is wonderful! I'm intrigued and want to know more. And where is Shari K. these days? And Amber how are you and your family? I believe you have also a relatively new addition to your family, is this correct? How is Chris? And Amy, you and Greg are in the mission field? How is that? and how is motherhood treating you especially in a new country?
As for me, my son Luke has finally gotten over having a stomach virus that rendered him lifeless for about 3 days. He's finally getting color back into his cheeks and a smile that I have really missed. Nothing is truly worse than having your child vomitting and they have no idea what is happening to them and their body. It broke my heart. But alas, he's doing better and finally sleeping in his own bed. Which makes Tim happy because he doesn't have to sleep on the couch any more. Ruby and I spent a mother/daughter day together yesterday at Disneyland and it was a fantastic time. She really is maturing into a brilliant and funny girl. A chip off the ol' block I always say.
Please keep me posted and updated on all that is going on.

small victories

SO, I did figure out how to do this under my own name.. yippee!!

Living my soul sister dream

Danielle--so good to hear from you! However, very scary that I have stats posted on the Biola softball site, what stat would I be listed under? Most amount of errors in the least amount of playing time?!? Oh well. It's good to know my legacy lives on :-)
OK, Ladies, I have absolutely loved reading the updates from everyone... Sorry it has taken me so long to contribute. I am actually still trying to figure out how to do all this (when did I get so old & out of date?!?)!
I am afraid that I am turning 31 today & though I have ever desire to be as optimistic as Rachel, I am not sure I'm quite there, but I'm working on it!
My day so far has consisted of listening to Samantha scream all the 20 minutes to church because the clip & ponytail she had in her hair were not enough--she needed a headband of course, then taking her out of church while she was having another breakdown because during the tantrum in the car, she apparently lost her clip (which resulted in a long talk in the bathroom about how church is not about what we look like, but of course the hypocritical mom had to fix her hair on the way out of the bathroom :-)), then Norah screaming in the Nursery so I spent the rest of the service with her (despite the fact that it was my week to help out in the 5th & 6th grade class) but we got McD's on the way home from church & here it is the afternoon & all is well :-). I was remembering sitting in my dorm room in Alpha dreaming about watching my kids run around in the yard & how fun that would be. Don't get me wrong, there are days like that, but today, I just think, "So, this is what it looks like to actually be living that dream!"
I have to get in, books that I am reading--I never mentioned the book Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey. I actually meet with a lady once a week & we read that book out loud together (so truth be told, it is the only book that I am ACTUALLY reading right now!). There is a section on the history of men/women roles in America that is fascinating & makes you realize that "traditional roles" have not always been so traditional.
As far as TV shows, Grey's Anatomy is up there, we just watched the first season of Arrested Development--which was hilarious, and we love the Office. The TV show that I watch over here is the BBC show Changing Rooms which I watch religiously everyday (Samantha even knows all the decorators' names now!)
Jana, I wanted to let you know that the emails that you sent never got to me! I am so sorry! But we did get your Save the Date, which was adorable, and if I could figure out a way to do it the first week of school, I would absolutely do it!! Not just for the wedding, but to see everyone!! Amber, to answer your question about Norah, she is not crawling yet, but she is a monster in her walker! She doesn't really have any desire to be on the floor because she can get around so well in that little machine!!
Amy, I just left you guys a message & we are really hoping to see you next weekend... maybe? I'll keep trying to call. We are SOO excited to have friends that live so close!!
Just FYI, in the picture, Samantha has a green pawprint on her cheek because we had been at the school basketball tournament that weekend.
Love you guys!

Monday, March 19, 2007

the new tattoo!

Just thought I'd share. I'm home sick right now (blah -- no real answers yet on the health thing -- I just get to be monitored over time, years even, to see if my cortisol levels indicate there's a tumor on my pituitary gland -- good times!) As for the rest of life, you are all right, 30 isn't so bad once you get past the shock of it all. I broke down and did -- met a REALLY nice guy who lives about an hour away. I'll keep you posted! I'm so so happy to get to hear how you all are doing more often. And SO glad to hear from you, Danielle! (I think Traci can set you up with your own login -- I don't know how!)
Much love to all!

I want to be part of this blog thing!!!!

Greetings from the land of the Lost! It is me, Danielle. Raise your hand if you remember me. I'll understand if you don't, for it has been too long. Allow me the opportunity to describe myself. I'm 5'8, red hair, blue eyes, and I too am a soul sister. I lived with Melissa for 3 years. Any of this ringing a bell? Well I certainly hope so. I have to explain how I was able to learn about this blog site. For about a month or so I have been really desiring to get back in contact with everyone. ( The reason I lost contact is long and boring story, it has to do with frozen e-mail accounts and loss of addresses as a result.) So about 2 weeks ago I went on a google search mission and I was going to find people, like everyone says you can do because of google. So I typed Melissa White in the little box, you don't even want to know how many options came up. Ridiculous! I might as well have typed Jane Smith for that matter. So I thought I would try Melissa Honsowetz just for kicks. Well I found stats of Biola Softball from 96 -98 roughly. But nothing current. Next, I thought I would try a more unique name. I gave Traci Bumpus a try and what did I find? Traci A. Bumpus has written many a book on career services and until I saw a picture of this Traci A. Bumpus, I'll admit I was ecstatic for Traci. I discovered next that Renee is working at a Luthern School in Oregon, 7th or 8th grade, and got a glimpse of her students homework schedule. Nicely done Renee! Having lost heart and becoming discouraged I thought I would try a bit later with different names. Here comes the really cool part... the next I went to Disneyland with the kids and lo and behold who in all the world do I run into but none other than Sarah and her two adorable boys. Divine???? YES!!! and here I am, blogging in the 21st century!! Crazy, right?
So quickly I will update as I realize this is already pretty long. You probably all know that I am married for 1 1/2 years, to a wonderful man named Tim. We live right here in La Mirada. Ruby is 5 and entering Kindergarten next year and I have my son Lucas who is 10 months. I've been at home for about a year and for the most part totally loving it. Of course there is so much more which I want to share not to mention find out about from all of you, but in the interest of time I will spread it out.
I'm back!!! Yeah! And barring any unfortunate computer incidents ( although I have written everyone's address by hand) I don't plan on disappearing again.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Greetings from Zagreb!

Hello girls! Just wanted to say hi to all of you. We finally have our internet connection worked out here in Croatia, so I can finally check e-mail and look at the soul sister blog. I love it! Keep those posts coming so I can keep in touch with everyone!

We just sent out an e-mail update the other day, which you probably got, so I won't repeat all that. But we are doing well here in Croatia and very happy to be a little more settled. It's been a difficult transition in lots of ways (plus I'm just getting over a bout of strep throat), but that's normal for an international move like this. In other ways, it's been wonderful and exciting! Please keep us in your prayers, as we try to figure out what "normal" life is like for us here, and be open to how God will use us.

Also, Happy Birthday to all of you who had a birthday that I missed--Susie and Sarah in February, Renee and Dephanie the beginning of March. And Happy Birthday to Mel tomorrow! We were hoping to be able to see Mel & Dave this weekend (they were going to come down from Budapest for a weekend visit) but it didn't work out. Hopefully we'll get together soon, Mel, as we're the European contingent of the soul sisters! =)

Love you girls!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sorry for Spelling Errors!

To all the teachers and others that are distracted by spelling errors--get over it.
Love Rachel

Greetings from Rachel

Hello my friends!

Happy Birthday to Susie and Renee! If you are not quite ready for optomism, I understand, BUT stop reading my post NOW!
I am 31 and hve to tell you that 30 was the best year of my life yet and it just keeps getting better. In the world's eye, it has actually been a very tough year. But I have never been more joyful and peaceful about my life and purpose. This can be a great decade and life for all of us--not absent of extreme pain, lonliness, rejection, doubt, financial hardships, and frustrations, (and I am not a stranger to any of these!) but filled with the hope of Christ and eternal life with Him.

I love all the pictures from everybody and when I sit down to figuire out how to do it I will post some as well! Our computer has recently passed away unexpectedly so it may be a while.

We are happy to be back in Seattle! God could not have made it ANY clearer that this is where we are suppposed to be and I thank Him for that. I miss my family in CA and Romania but old friends (like Traci) have made us feel like we have fellowship with the family of God here.

This Sunday I fly out to rehearse and perform The Beggar's Opera in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is a wonderful contract that is truly a blessing. The word "blessing" is thrown around a lot in our Christian community at nauseum but I refuse to stop using it when I know I am underservingly BLESSED!

Thank you Traci for posting the article on Friendship. I loved it!

Love Always, Rachel
P.S. Grey's Anatomy is my absolute favorite TV show right now. Who says these people and characters don't really exsist? I have decided that Grey's is the best reality Tv show on television and please don't ruin it for me!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Renee!

Happy 31st Birthday to Renee on Saturday, the 3rd! Just wanted her to feel the love wherever she looks! Also, regarding your last post about the Oscars Traci...I have always wanted to do a big Oscar party....getting dressed up and all....lets do it......2008! :-) Love to you all, Amber

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Night

Hello Girls - I hope you are all watching the Oscars, eating snacks, and filling out fake ballots! I love this night each year. Random events this year led me to my friend's office to watch. He, along with another friend of mine started - which tracks tv shows, issuing actor interviews, spoilers, vj's, etc. I have a profile under Cosmo's name. So anyway, they are doing a bunch of live feed here and it's kind of fun to hang out. Miss you all, wish we could have a Soul Sister Oscar party. One of these years!!! Lv you - T

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Reseach shows we really do need soul sisters . . .

By Gale Berkowitz

A landmark UCLA study suggests friendships between women are special.They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They soothe ourtumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage, andhelp us remember who we really are. By the way, they may do even more.

Scientists now suspect that hanging out with our friends can actuallycounteract the kind of stomach-quivering stress most of us experience ona daily basis. A landmark UCLA study suggests that women respond tostress with a cascade of brain chemicals that cause us to make andmaintain friendships with other women. It's a stunning find that hasturned five decades of stress research---most of it on men---upsidedown."

Until this study was published, scientists generally believed that whenpeople experience stress, they trigger a hormonal cascade that revs thebody to either stand and fight or flee as fast as possible," explainsLaura Cousino Klein, Ph.D., now an Assistant Professor of BiobehavioralHealth at Penn State University and one of the study's authors. "It's anancient survival mechanism left over from the time we were chased acrossthe planet by saber-toothed tigers.

Now the researchers suspect that women have a larger behavioralrepertoire than just "fight or flight." "In fact," says Dr. Klein, "itseems that when the hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stressresponses in a woman, it buffers the "fight or flight" response andencourages her to tend children and gather with other women instead.

When she actually engages in this tending or befriending, studiessuggest that more oxytocin is released, which further counters stressand produces a calming effect. This calming response does not occur inmen", says Dr. Klein, "because testosterone---which men produce in highlevels when they're under stress---seems to reduce the effects ofoxytocin. Estrogen", she adds, "seems to enhance it."

The discovery that women respond to stress differently than men was madein a classic "aha!" moment shared by two women scientists who weretalking one day in a lab at UCLA. "There was this joke that when thewomen who worked in the lab were stressed, they came in, cleaned thelab, had coffee, and bonded", says Dr. Klein." When the men werestressed, they holed up somewhere on their own. I commented one day tofellow researcher Shelley Taylor that nearly 90% of the stress researchis on males. I showed her the data from my lab, and the two of us knewinstantly that we were onto something."

The women cleared their schedules and started meeting with one scientistafter another from various research specialties. Very quickly, Drs.Klein and Taylor discovered that by not including women in stress research, scientists had made a huge mistake: The fact that womenrespond to stress differently than men has significant implications forour health. It may take some time for new studies to reveal all the waysthat oxytocin encourages us to care for children and hang out with otherwomen, but the "tend and befriend" notion developed by Drs. Klein andTaylor may explain why women consistently outlive men. Study after studyhas found that social ties reduce our risk of disease by lowering bloodpressure, heart rate, and cholesterol.

"There's no doubt," says Dr. Klein, "that friends are helping us live."In one study, for example, researchers found that people who had nofriends increased their risk of death over a 6-month period. In anotherstudy, those who had the most friends over a 9-year period cut theirrisk of death by more than 60%. Friends are also helping us live better.The famed Nurses' Health Study from Harvard Medical School found thatthe more friends women had, the less likely they were to developphysical impairments as they aged, and the more likely they were to beleading a joyful life. In fact, the results were so significant, theresearchers concluded, that not having close friends or confidantes wasas detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight!

And that's not all! When the researchers looked at how well the womenfunctioned after the death of their spouse, they found that even in theface of this biggest stressor of all, those women who had a close friendconfidante were more likely to survive the experience without any newphysical impairments or permanent loss of vitality. Those withoutfriends were not always so fortunate.

Yet if friends counter the stress that seems to swallow up so much ofour life these days, if they keep us healthy and even add years to ourlife, why is it so hard to find time to be with them? That's a questionthat also troubles researcher Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D., co-author of"Best Friends: The Pleasures and Perils of Girls' and Women'sFriendships (Three Rivers Press, 1998)."Every time we get overly busywith work and family, the first thing we do is let go of friendshipswith other women," explains Dr. Josselson. "We push them right to theback burner. That's really a mistake because women are such a source ofstrength to each other. We nurture one another. And we need to haveunpressured space in which we can do the special kind of talk that womendo when they're with other women. It's a very healing experience."

Taylor, S. E., Klein, L.C., Lewis,B. P., Gruenewald,T. L., Gurung, R.A.R., & Updegraff, J. A. (2000)."Female Responses to Stress: Tend and Befriend, NotFight or Flight",Psychological Review, 107(3), 41-429.

Pics of the Curry Girls

Sorry, my Pictures didn't attach on my huge e-mail! Here are a couple pics of my kiddos!

Love You Guys!

I do love you all! I count myself blessed to have you as friends. Sus.....anything come of your saliva tests? Any headway on a diagnosis? I have been praying for you:-) Also....Happy Birthday to you Susie!!! I hope the big 30 didn't freak you out too much. I remember leading up to it was a bit daunting, but after my birthday was over, life went on, and I actually am looking forward to this new phase of life, where I am considered more of an "experienced" adult in the world. I think it helps too that I volunteer in our youth group at church because, it keeps me young....I still can pass for twenty-six or seven, so that keeps me from feeling old I guess!

Greg and Amy - so glad to hear you are safe and sound at your final destination! You must be so happy to be able to settle down. Have you seen Dave and Mel yet? How far are they from you again? Has language barrier been much of an issue yet? I will be praying for the three of you as you begin your ministry there.

Congrats to the newest beauty of the Culver family :) How are you doing Shari? Do you have help nearby? I think you are amazing!! I definately look forward to the day where we have a SOUL "family reunion" so we can see all of the beautiful children!

Hi Mel! How is your little Norah? Is she crawling yet? Ella has been crawling for a couple months, and my life has changed again! I forgot how much effort it takes to do damage control when they start crawling! Thank you for beginning this....It was so nice to hear from you!

Things are going well here. I am really enjoying getting all the book recommendations from everyone! I am not a very good judge of finding a good book. And it really helps with my book club, as we look for another book to read! I have one more to throw out there that a girl in my book club keeps is called "First They Killed My Father".....I guess it is a retelling of a story from a girls perspective of losing her father (I think in war?), anyway it is supposed to be a very powerful story and a good read. Okay, about the TV show addictions.......sadly I have a few....TV is all about hooking you into a plot nowadays....whatever happened to the good ol' sitcoms!! Mostly Chris and I share our addictions....we watch "LOST", "Greys Anatomy", "House", "Studio 60" and "Amazing Race" together, and then I really enjoy "American Idol", and Chris does is my very own addiction. "The Office" is also a very funny show. And let me tell you, I could not feed my addiction without a DVR which we got this last that we can record our shows and watch them as we have really works out nicely.....and no commercials!

My family is doing very well, now that the "plague" has finally left our house! It seems to me that everyone I know has had the neverending sick bug. But I will attach some pictures of the girls at the end of this entry. The new house is still pretty great, we continue to feel blessed, and God continues to bless us even more. We seem to have never-ending "home projects"....yes even with a brand new home, there is always work to be done!

On a more serious note....I would like to ask for prayer for my sister, Bethany.....many of you know she has had a rocky past with alcohol amongst other things....and she has been sober for over a year, but has recently relapsed....she called this morning to tell me she is out of the dark again, and is changing many things in her life, please pray that she seeks strength from our Lord each and every day, because the enemy seeks to destroy her, and I know that he is fighting for her, it is pretty scary. She is so precious to me, and I can't imagine losing her.

Okay, Lastly....has anyone stayed on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii? Both Chris and my families are going to Kauai for Christmas this year, and we are trying to find a vacation home that will accomodate 13 of us, and I feel like I have looked everywhere, so I am asking for any tips you may have! Alright, I should end this before I start chapter #2. Until next time....

Monday, February 19, 2007


This is a picture of my dear Cosmo in his Christmas outfit that Tom and Rachel gave him. :) You can't see the Santa outfit so well... but you get the idea with the hat. Bless Tom and Rach... they thought he was an xsmall in dog sizes... I think he's closer to a medium. We couldn't get the coat buttoned all the way which is partly why you can't see it.
Miss you all!! Amy and Greg... when do I have to take your cell phone numbers out of my speed dial? Can I leave them in there? It's just too sad to delete you!! Hope the trip went well. Lv - T

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

my kids at play!

Sadie loves trucks and water. George loves eating Thing 1 and pretending he's a flashlight.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Seeking moral support

So . . . I'm turning 30 in 8 days. How did you all survive this lovely rite of passage? Blah. I am getting a new tattoo though to celebrate! (this is the design -- it will be on my shoulder)

Thought I'd share an interesting experience I had today. I had to be sans-caffeine for the day in order to take for saliva samples for an adrenal test (you're all jealous, I know). Ummm, basically, it was pathetic. I took my last sample at 11pm and promply made myself a cup of coffee. And now I'm sitting here wondering how and when I will be sleeping. But, on a happy note, the headache is going away!

I wanted to respond to Rachel's very good question about favorite TV addictions. It is confession time. CSI (Las Vegas more than Miami or New York), Law & Order Criminal Intent, any home design show, Project Runway/America's Next Top Model/Top Chef (any of those reality shows where they compete in non-mental health tasks), and Janice Dickenson's Modeling Agency (which reminds me why I work in mental health -- and am seeking a specialty in eating disorders -- it even makes me appreciate my own curves in contrast to the utter hell of living in that mindset). So, all that to say, it appears my brain is probably turning into jello.

So much congratulations to Shari and Jeff on the new little one!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Greg and Amy are off to Croatia!

Since Amy and Greg will be in transit for a few days, I thought I would blog their departure for you all. Rachel, Tom and I saw them off at the airport yesterday. It was incredibly bitter sweet. They have been an amazing part of my life here in Seattle as they would be to any one of you they lived near. Seattle's loss is definitely Croatia's gain! A pic of them as we said goodbye!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thank you for Writing!

What a joy it has been to hear from all of you! Thank you Melissa for getting us all started, and well done Susie on putting this blog together. And Traci you added a picture. Impressive! You are helping me advance in my technology skills as I have never participated in a blogger and really have no idea how this works!
I wanted to echo a few books that Rachel and Amber mentioned. Blue Like Jazz was a refreshing read regarding Christianity and how it is lived out in today's world. Strongly recommend it. The author is from Portland too! The Kite Runner I loved and read in one day. I couldn't put it down. The latest book I read that kept me up until 4:30am in the morning was a very intellectual and a life changing read (not really, but it was quite fun): Can you keep a secret by Sophie Kinsella. She is the author of the Confessions of a Shopaholic series. It takes place in London which makes me very happy. Currently I am reading Bill Brysons' Notes from a small island which is all about traveling around England. It is a fantastically fun read. And Hollie Smith recommended another travelogue called Tales of a Female Nomad which I am also reading and am feeling quite inspired by.
On another topic: music. Today I put in my Jack Johnson Curious George soundtrack and I thought of all of you. If you don't have this I would strongly suggest buying it. It is adorable, fun, and easy listening. The only annoying song is one about recycling. The song NEVER leaves your mind, but I just skip it and life is fine. (In fact Jack Johnson is my new favorite artist. I bought two of his CD's tonight. I do that with music. I never buy CD's but when I do it is always in excess. What does this say about me? Maybe I need to talk to you about this Suzie.)
Speaking of life, mine is going quite fine. Life has hit a nice rhythm and I am feeling content which is not something I feel often. So, I thank God for that gift. The biggest Reitmeier family news is my sister, Lisa, is engaged! She will be marrying Timmy Blackburn of Kansas City, Missouri. He is a nice country boy who plays the guitar and dresses like a cowboy with a slick city style. He adores Lisa, which makes me very happy. They are getting married in New York City (where they both live) in May. Next weekend Lisa, Timmy and Timmy's parents will be visiting which I am quite excited about.
Other than that, teaching my middle schoolers continues to be an adventure. The school year is already half over which is hard to believe. This weekend I am going to be planting in my garden which I have fun with. I wanted to get it ready for the Blackburns arrival. Do any of you suggest any "must have" plants? My garden has plenty of space to fill.
It has refreshed my soul to hear from all of you. Thank you for taking the time to share your lives with me. I look forward to what you share next!
Much love, Renee'
Oh, I am also taking a French Language course, so I will close instead with:
Je t'aime!
Bisses, Renee'

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Great Idea!!

Hello everyone! This is great! I am so excited to have a way of communicating between everyone! This is fast and not as expensive as long distance phone calls!

Life has been going well for me! Busy with wedding planning of course! I hope you all got the Save the Date announcement in the mail! None of them came back to me so I am assuming I had the correct address!

I am still working at St. Vincent Hospital in Portland. I have been there 8 years in July. My most recent job change has been that I accepted the charge nurse position in the cath lab. I have been in the cath lab 4 of my 8 years, so this is a welcomed change and will fend off boredom.(I hate being bored!)

As for the book I am currently reading, it is "Marley and Me." Very cute and funny. I am enjoying very much. One of those you laugh and cry all at once.

My goodness it is so good to be in touch with all of you! Melissa-it's been forever! I haven't even been able to say Congratulations! I sent you some emails recently and I honestly am not sure those are the current addresses...I am so sorry if they never got to you. :( And Susie it has been forever! It's so good to hear from you! Amy and Greg: Best wishes as you start your travels and adventures, my thoughts and prayers will be with you! Rachel: I'm so glad to hear that you and Tom have found a work and living situation that will work well for you was such a pleasure to spend time with you both while you were here. Traci: I love your picture! It's been too long since the last time I got up to Seattle for a visit!

I guess that is all for me on this posting. I will sign off for now! Can't wait for the next post! How fun!


Way to Go Susie!!

I am so impressed with your techno skills Susie. Way to put your college education to work! I am headed over to the Collard's tonight to play with Emma while Amy and Greg finish packing some stuff up. Evidently Emma learned to crawl just in time to make packing a little more difficult for her mom and dad :) Tough assignment for me... 'hey traci, can you come over tonight and hang out with Emma, watch tv, and eat snacks while Greg and I pack boxes' Fun times! I hope you're all having a great week so far. More posts to come... By the way, the picture is of me in the visitor's dug out last week during 'fan fest' which is an opportunity for fans to check out Safeco Field (home of the Mariners!) meet some players, run around the bases (this was for my nieces... though I have to admit I enjoyed it!), etc - Traci

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A blog for us

Welcome to the blog of the Soulsisters. Enjoy ladies!