Monday, July 9, 2007

Hey Girls! We are back from Mexico, happy, rested and tan:-) We definately were happy with our resort and the time we had there, it was the perfect anniversary celebration. What did we do, you might ask.....absolutely n0thing! We swam in the ocean, had many drinks, and laid by the pool and had many drinks, and we ate a lot in between all that. We did go into downtown Puerto Vallarta one afternoon, and decided it was too hot and too much work, so we went back to lay by the pool:-) The crazy thing I thought was that Puerto Vallarta has a Walmart! They also have many other American stores and restaurants. Anyway, I would recommend this resort (Dreams Resort and Spa) to anyone, it was really great. The service was wonderful, the spa was wonderful, and there are 5 different types of restaurants on the resort and the beach had no public access, so it was exclusive to our resort only. Anyhow, if you are looking for a fun, relatively inexpensive vacation, all-inclusive is a great way to go!

Things are going well here, I was just in one of my good friends wedding here (and helping her plan it), and that is all over, so now I finally have some free time has been crazy since the beginning of May. I attached a picture of me and Annabelle in the wedding, I was a bridesmaid and Annabelle was a flowergirl. Hey Melissa.....i love your new webpage, it's great! I do hope to meet your girls when you are here in December.
Lastly, if I could ask you all to pray for us and our church. Without going into too much detail, our church elder leadership is not healthy, our pastor (who has been there for almost 3 yrs. now) is not a very good communicator or leader, and the church body is suffering. Our youth pastor was just let go for no apparent reason, and it has begun a division already. We really love the fellowship at our church, and I love our youth there. Also, the Lord has laid it on Chris' heart to begin a home church, and so we are figuring out how that fits into the whole scheme of things right now. Just please pray that we follow the Lord's leading in all this. What are you all doing with your summer? I would love to hear about all your vacations. Danielle, how did the move go, are you guys all settled in? Love to you all,

1 comment:

Danielle said...

i'm so gald you and Chris had such a great time. The way I see it is anyone who is a parent always deserves a little vacation. The pictures look absolutely relaxing! I'm jealous!