Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Welcome Cayce

Wow, it's so fun to continue to hear from people! Sounds like you have a great family Cayce. How exciting that you and Jeremy have your own studio! Sounds like a great thing. How do you like motherhood? Is it what you expected? I actually just heard a stat from a MOPS speaker the other day......apparently mothers of preschoolers have the 2nd most stressful job in the country, doctors and lawyers are of course first! (Okay, maybe the mafia is up there too) But isn't that encouraging? It's not just me, my job is hard! Anyway, I'm glad to hear things are going well for you Cayce. More babies!!! Congrats Dephanie on little Estelle , how is that going? Hey do you still need some help figuring this blog thing out? All you need to do is go to the web address: and click on sign-in in the upper right hand corner, then it will have you pick a username and password. Then once you are set up, you will sign in with your username and password and then click on "New Post" and then it gives you a box to type is pretty self explanatory from there. It really isn't too hard. But I know we would all love to hear from you....I know that right now you don't have much free we can wait patiently!! Also, congrats on your new bun in the oven Danielle:-) I must say, I have begun wanting to be pregnant again! Chris and I are finished, but I really enjoyed being pregnant.....hopefully this will pass! Thanks for the updates Amy! It is so fun to hear how life has been in Croatia! Things are well here in Vancouver, WA....just waiting for allergy season and sick kids to be OVER!!! Love you guys!

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