Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Living my soul sister dream

Danielle--so good to hear from you! However, very scary that I have stats posted on the Biola softball site, what stat would I be listed under? Most amount of errors in the least amount of playing time?!? Oh well. It's good to know my legacy lives on :-)
OK, Ladies, I have absolutely loved reading the updates from everyone... Sorry it has taken me so long to contribute. I am actually still trying to figure out how to do all this (when did I get so old & out of date?!?)!
I am afraid that I am turning 31 today & though I have ever desire to be as optimistic as Rachel, I am not sure I'm quite there, but I'm working on it!
My day so far has consisted of listening to Samantha scream all the 20 minutes to church because the clip & ponytail she had in her hair were not enough--she needed a headband of course, then taking her out of church while she was having another breakdown because during the tantrum in the car, she apparently lost her clip (which resulted in a long talk in the bathroom about how church is not about what we look like, but of course the hypocritical mom had to fix her hair on the way out of the bathroom :-)), then Norah screaming in the Nursery so I spent the rest of the service with her (despite the fact that it was my week to help out in the 5th & 6th grade class) but we got McD's on the way home from church & here it is the afternoon & all is well :-). I was remembering sitting in my dorm room in Alpha dreaming about watching my kids run around in the yard & how fun that would be. Don't get me wrong, there are days like that, but today, I just think, "So, this is what it looks like to actually be living that dream!"
I have to get in, books that I am reading--I never mentioned the book Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey. I actually meet with a lady once a week & we read that book out loud together (so truth be told, it is the only book that I am ACTUALLY reading right now!). There is a section on the history of men/women roles in America that is fascinating & makes you realize that "traditional roles" have not always been so traditional.
As far as TV shows, Grey's Anatomy is up there, we just watched the first season of Arrested Development--which was hilarious, and we love the Office. The TV show that I watch over here is the BBC show Changing Rooms which I watch religiously everyday (Samantha even knows all the decorators' names now!)
Jana, I wanted to let you know that the emails that you sent never got to me! I am so sorry! But we did get your Save the Date, which was adorable, and if I could figure out a way to do it the first week of school, I would absolutely do it!! Not just for the wedding, but to see everyone!! Amber, to answer your question about Norah, she is not crawling yet, but she is a monster in her walker! She doesn't really have any desire to be on the floor because she can get around so well in that little machine!!
Amy, I just left you guys a message & we are really hoping to see you next weekend... maybe? I'll keep trying to call. We are SOO excited to have friends that live so close!!
Just FYI, in the picture, Samantha has a green pawprint on her cheek because we had been at the school basketball tournament that weekend.
Love you guys!

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