Monday, April 30, 2007

Back in Touch

that is so great danielle!! (this is cayce by the way)congratulations!! wow, i am seriously going through time as i read these posts. renee, your post cracked me up. well, a lot of people's did actually. skippy's story about her girls flipping out really got me. and danielle, your's made me totally laugh b/c i could hear you saying everything you wrote in a couple of your posts. anyway, it is refreshing to hear the stories from everyone. thanks for letting me be a part. amy, so exciting you are in croatia. someone sent me one of those "getting to know your friends" questionaires (which i actually love playing-i think it's the only forward email i do), and one of the questions was,"if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" and i said croatia. you know i still have alot of relatives over there, so if you see any scurich peoples, tell em hi for me! congrats to jana-sounds like you found a good one! and amber your kids are beautiful! actually everyone's are! so fun to see where we all go-i hope wa. is treating traci and rachel well. congrats to dephanie. i absolutely love the name estelle. i hope "the boy" is still working out for you susie. well, life here in santa cruz is great. i returned to work in feb. and it has worked out so nicely going back. i teach afterschool art classes in a studio jer and i started here and so i can take jack henry with me when i go. the kids love having him there and needless to say, he loves them and the attention they give him. so far it is working out great. jer is teaching english to high schoolers and loves it. he is also working construction on the side. he is quite good i must say. he remodeled our whole house. we bought a big time junker and have loved fixing it up ever since. i actually am embarrased to admit it, but we have a blog going on our kid. we did it to keep in touch with all of the people that live in south carolina and for people far from us now; if you want to check it out there are way too many pics, but be my guest. it is : please dont think i am trying to get more pics in, it's just an easy way to keep in touch. jer's dad goes crazy over it, it means everything to him to get updated. anyway, just thought i would write to say hi. i just got back in touch with shari k. too and it is so great. love to all, kc

Friday, April 27, 2007

+1 makes three!!!

Tim and I are finally announcing that we are pregnant...again! I have an appointment in May to see exactly how far along I am, although I would guess 9 -10 weeks. While this wasn't exactly planned on, we are becoming more excited about it. I'll tell you though, it doesn't matter how careful we are if we forget even one time apparently thats all it takes with me. So our talk of moving Arizona has now gone from casual to more determined. We are consulting some couples from church whose advice we trust and are really seriously thinking about the move. My whole hang up is that I don't want to move from my support system here and have a baby without them. But at the same time it's really expensive to live here and moving to Arizona would make it so that I really don't have to go back to work. Lots of questions that Tim and I have, but ultimately we need to decide which is best for our family. Keep us in your prayers or at least thoughts and if you all have some advice I would be opened to hear it. Thanks!
p.s. Congrats to Dephanie!!!! How exciting!

Congratulations Dephanie!

You probably all heard that Dephanie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on April 20th. Her name is Estelle Leonie Lilite. Just wanted to say congrats! That makes two gorgeous girls for Deph & Louima. Hope you are doing well and surviving the blur of those first few weeks.

Dephanie, just the other day I finally saw your comment on the blog about needing instructions on how to post to the blog. I will try to e-mail you about how to do that (or any other girls can too). I never would have figured it out except Greg helped me. Not that you have time to blog right now! But you can have Louima post a picture of the new baby sometime. =)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I am crashing the blog party!!

hope you all don't mind!!! just figured out how to get on this thing. it's cayce (was scurich, now ellison) by the way!! i ran into susie the other day at the grocery store, because that is what people do when they live in the same town (it only took us like 12 years to do it!)and she was telling me about you all. i am so happy you guys have kept in touch through these years. i only wish i had been better at doing it. i would love to stay connected and this seems to be the way. i have loved reading through the entries and learning where we have all gone. i am still in santa cruz. will be here forever if i have anything to say about it. we will see. it isn' the cheapest place, that's foresure!! jer and i have been married 6 years in july. crazy how fast the time goes. we have a little muncher-jack henry ellison. he is almost 6 months and i am currently listening to him talking to himself in his crib. he just woke from his nap. i love hearing about what everyone is up to, so if it is okay i will be checking and writing when i can. hope to all that your lives are rich and full-great being in touch again! love, cayce

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Just feeling like saying hi to all. Thought I'd tell you all the story of the boy. Basically, I hit a wall with bad dating experiences and signed off of e-harmony in a huff. Then, I figured -- well, I've got about 20 more days already paid for -- so I might as well keep the account open. In the meantime, I got back in touch with John from Canada and found out he was still in love with me -- but also still convinced he was never going to get married. Blah. Of course I've gotta fall for the boys with the committment issues at 30! Anyways, meanwhile, I started getting daily messages from Sumanth on e-harmony. I was completely incredulous about finding someone at that point, but -- as there were no blazing red flags -- I kept emailing back.

Well, then he asked for my number, called the next day, and we talked. and talked and talked. It was crazy. I think our first conversation was 3 or 4 hours. He asked GOOD QUESTIONS! He totally impressed me -- with his ethics, compassion, intelligence, ability to listen and make me laugh. He flew out from Philadelphia a couple of weeks later (by that time I'm pretty sure we had logged between 30 or 40 phone hours). It took me the first day or so to register that he was real and connect the person in front of me with the person I'd been spilling my guts to (and totally charmed by).

After that, it was just good. We did all sorts of funny stuff, like take him to the GAP and totally redress him so that he was appropriately attired for Santa Cruz (he was starting to feel uncomfortable wearing a polo and nice shoes when everyone else was in flip-flops). He insisted on taking my mom out to breakfast then bringing her leftovers of the dinner he made for me (VERY effective schmoozing)! He even volunteered to go to one of my doctor's appointments. That was cool. He's been amazing about trying to support me in the whole process. He gets super adamant that I don't give up pushing the doctors to figure out what's wrong with me. And he quizes me every day to make sure I'm taking all my meds and doing all the stuff I'm supposed to. It's pretty cool. I've been tapering down the antidepressant Lexapro I've been taking (it may have been making the weight gain worse -- and I seemed to have gained a tolerance to help with my energy level and mood), so he's been pouring on the extra moral support. It's really nice to not feel alone with all the medical stuff.

As for that, I have a referral to the director of endocrinology at UCSF. I'm calling tomorrow to set up the appointment. My recent med changes do seem to be increasing my energy. But my immune system is still shot (I think I'm on my 8th sickness since November). I'm also still getting all of the other lovely sympoms (hot flashes, a lovely beard, a belly that you could easily mistake for carrying one of those cute babies most of you have, etc! (by the way, CONGRATS to Deph and Louima! How beautiful are their children!!!!!) I'm really hoping that they'll agree to do a CT scan and MRI to see if there is a detectable tumor on my pituitary gland -- rather than just keep making me wait and repeat tests every couple months. Feel free to pray for all that if you wish.

So, those are the recent adventures. Love to you all. (and sleep too -- I hope the babies stop crying soon!)


Monday, April 23, 2007

Yes! The Ferber Method by Danielle

Thanks Amber for the tip. We took Luke into the doctor when Ruby had her kindergarten physical a couple of weeks ago. We told him that he was looking at two broken parents that we had waged the battle and Luke won. He explained to us that Luke was also using the bottle as his method of returning to sleep and that we were doing him a real disservice by not allowing him to teach himself how to go back to sleep. Which he said was only something you can self learn. So we moved Ruby's trundle bed into our room where it will remain for a few weeks until he learns. And for us we have kept a door shut and occasionally I use earplugs. And it seems to be working, I think. We'll see how it goes when we move Ruby back in, I've learned in the last couple of weeks that she's a sleep talker. We'll see how Luke does with that. And let me add that your girls are adorable. I can really see you and Chris in them both.
Congrats Susie on the relationship. Are you having so much fun? How's your health?
Keep us posted!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

We need sleep!

Hey there sisters! I just read the latest posts, and wanted to respond to your question Danielle about little Luke's sleeping habits! I too am going through the same thing! Ella is still waking up 2-3 times a night wanting a is the only thing that gets her back to sleep. I know that as long as we keep giving her a bottle, she will keep waking up and expecting one, but when it comes down to it, you just want to desperately need the sleep (I am sure you can relate right now too Shari:-)). Anyway, we just had Ella's 9 mo. well baby check-up (a couple months late!), and the doctor gave us some advice for a sleeping method he recommends. So we tried the "Ferber method", which is basically letting your baby cry, and going in at intervals to reassure them you are not abandoning them, but not giving them anything, and not picking them up. Anyway, we tried this last night for the first time. She cried for about 45 minutes, and then she didn't wake up again until 5:30! So we are thinking that maybe there is hope! So you can google the "Ferber method" online Danielle, and see if it is something you want to try. But I surely feel your sleepless night pain!! And secondly, yes we love finally owning a home. So you are thinking about Arizona huh? Our youth pastor, and family just took a job at a church there. They are in the Phoenix area. Red Mountain Community Church is the church. And as far as a church in the Vancouver area....we actually still attend our church in Portland. It is only like a 15-20 minute drive from where we are. It is called Hinson Church. We have been attending since we moved here about 8 years ago, and are pretty plugged into ministry there. But there are also many churches in the Vancouver seems like there are like 5 or 6 that I drive by on a regular basis. But I don't know that I could recommend one. If your friends are willing to try Hinson...we definately could recommend it! Anyway, hang in there with your baby, and let me know how it all goes.

Things are going well here. Chris is currently interviewing for an advancement at US Bank, so please pray for that if you think of it. We are preparing ourselves for a very busy May and June. We did just enroll Annabelle (3 yrs. old) in a ballet/gymnastics combo class for 8 weeks. So I am excited for that! As is she:-) Well, I am posting some pictures of mu kiddos on Easter...I would love to see some other Easter pics of all your kiddos or nieces/nephews. Love to you all,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Long Time No Blog!

Hello Soul Sisters! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Mostly I've been working a lot... trying to do some spring cleaning.... since last summer though so I'm not sure it counts as spring cleaning ;) Maybe I'm aiming to finish it by the end of spring! Why is cleaning out my closet one of the most difficult chores of my life?!
I'm excited for next week. I get to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a couple of days. It's a work/fun trip.... but I've never been to NM so I'm really excited. All I can imagine are a bunch of adobe houses, cactus, Georgia O'Keefe, and tex mex food. We'll see! If I get a good shot of me and a cactus I'll be sure to post it on our blog.
Will post more when I know more... :) Miss you guys. Happy belated Easter! - T

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

This is Danielle, yet again posting under Susie! Sorry Susie!

A couple pictures of the kids from Ruby's 5th birthday in January!

The family and I just got back from a vacation in Arizona and I came home to many a posting which was extremely exciting! We went to Arizona to visit Tim's mom who lives there and his sister and two kids who are in visiting from Austrailia. They have a little girl who is a few months younger than Ruby and a boy who is a week older than Luke. And Ruby and I have never met them before. It was real exciting. I got to see pictures of Tim when he was baby, we had a great time. We really liked it there and are actually talking about the idea of moving so we too can buy a house.
Amber - I am so excited to hear that you two were able to buy a place of your own, that is so great. Do you love having your own home that you can decorate and paint any way you like? I really dream of that day. Vancouver, Washington? I have a friend that I met a Chili's who went to BIOLA that moved to Vancouver with her husband after they got married. They are having a tough time finding a church to plug into, where do you attend? And congratulations on 10 years of marriage, that's so fantastic! You deserve a wonderful trip like that, enjoy! As far as how Tim and I met, it's nothing to exciting. He grew up in Kansas City, MO and decided that he needed a change of scenery, something new and different. So a friend of his who had moved out here the year before told him to come on out and live with him. So he did! He was already working at Chili's in Kansas City and he transfered to La Habra of all places. When I first met him he had long hair and a beard and I really didn't think twice about him until one day he cut his hair and shaved his beard and I said to myself "...hmm he's got potential." And within a month we were on our first date and 3 months after that I knew. We were married on the first anniversary of our first date. We married in Laguna Beach at the gazebo on top of the cliff and had our reception dinner at the Beach House Restaurant there on the water. It was very small, 20 people total, no attendants. A friend of mine, he was actually my prom date in high school, is ordained and he married us. Ruby was our only other participant as our flower girl. It was really quite sweet!

Jana - I think doing the eharmony thing is great. I think it is the way things are going in this day in age. I have actually met about three couples who did eharmony and are married and are perfect for one another. So I applaud you! And I will send you my address.

I actually have a question for everyone. Truthfully, I need advice. Luke is not sleeping through the night. He will be a year next month and he still wakes up at least once if not twice a night. With Ruby she woke up too but we slept in the same bed for her first 3 years and she held her own bottle. None of that is the same for Luke. He shares a room with Ruby and will not hold his own bottle. So I have phsically get up feed him and put him back to sleep. He's almost one, this should not be my story, seriously. I need some advice, I don't know that to do! What would all of you recommend?

Saturday, April 7, 2007

not good at catchy titles

Danielle! My goodness is it good to hear from you! Congratulations on your marriage and children! Please post a picture, I would love to see your family! And if you email me your address, I can send you a wedding invite too!
To answer your question, I met Aaron on the Internet...yes I did the internet dating scene, which really, at this age of my life, is the only way I could figure to meet someone outside of my work or church, or the local bar(none of which were proving to be very fruitful). So, I thought I should give internet dating a whirl, and I found a wonderful man! I tried many internet sites, but the one I met Aaron on was eharmony. Go figure...and no, we aren't planning to be on the commercials!! :)
We now have a wedding website(it seems to be the popular thing to do these days), so if any of you would like to take a peak, it is:
You'll notice on the opening page, Aaron decided to be silly when writing about "our story" and you have to keep that in mind when you read it. I put a more serious note at the end of it for the older aunts and uncles of the family, and anyone who won't understand his humor. He writes things about an "angel-like blonde" walking into his life and then asking for a cookie after proposing. Sheesh...boy humor, I guess. :)

And Melissa! I'm glad you were able to finally post a comment! I'm sorry my emails didn't get to you. I must not have the right info...but I am glad you got the save the date. It's so good to hear of you talk about your girls and your experiences with them. I remember all to well those days in Alpha as you longed for your own children. I know these experiences of temper tantrums are not the most pleasant, but from what I have heard, you look back fondly and laugh at clips flying out of hair in the midst of a temper tantrum on the way to church. I hope some day I can meet your girls, that would truly be very special.

Life since my last post.....
Busy, of course, but who isn't, really? I'm enjoying wedding planning...had a "tiff" with a DJ I had signed on who turned out to be flakey, resolved that and hired a new one. That has really been the biggest "bump" in the road so far...and if that's the worst thing I experience in planning this wedding, well that's not too bad!
Work has consumed me in this new position. I am learning so much about management and leadership, and how "professional adults" can be so petty and child like. Incredible, really. It's like adult day care on some days! :) I think it will get better, I have only been charge nurse now since September, so I have decided to give myself a year before I decide one way or another that it is bad or good.

that's all for me on this post. I apologize for my poor grammer and spelling. I just need to make that blanket apology now, I know I am terrible with writing!
Until the next post...